Why you should use DDI Signs® Modular Wayfinding Sign System for your project?
Our Modular Wayfinding Sign System is 100% Manufactured in the USA!
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Standard sizes and styles available include:
- Wall frames and projecting wall brackets.
- Ceiling suspended wayfinding signs.
- Post pylons, double sided, and triangle pylon signs.
- Main building directories, including free standing and wall mounted.
- Back lighted sign systems and lighted towers.
Changeable Graphic Inserts
This sign system is designed for easy installation. Changing out of the graphic inserts is a breeze. DDI Signs® can provide the graphic inserts or you can print your own. Most importantly, these are professional and sleek looking way marking signs. Made from satin silver anodized aluminum and extremely high-quality materials.
Our wayfinding signs offer an attractive directional solution. Designed to help your visitors find their way by following the path of great signage!
Types, Styles, and uses for our Modular Wayfinding System:
Wall Mounted Wayfinding Signs and Directories
Place our modular wayfinding wall mounted signs next doors or entrances. Allowing you to clearly identify rooms. This system is ideal for offices, arenas, hotels, hospitals and complexes. Additionally, they can be configured so room names are easily changed.
Wall Projecting Wayfinding Signs
With a clever mounting bracket, our Wall Projecting Signs provide clear and visual direction. Additionally, can be used for identification of Restrooms, Entrances, and Office Doors. Create visually stunning waymarking with digitally printed graphics.
Suspended Wayfinding Signs
Hang your directional signage from the ceiling out of reach, yet visible from distances. Finally, a sign system that is a cut above.
Free Standing Wayfinding Sign System
For in-your-face impact, our free-standing wayfinding it the answer. Ideal for Malls, Hotels, Retail, Office, and Shopping Centers. Creating stunning directional signage that is in the line of eye site.
Room Signs and Nameplates
We also offer custom designed durable wayfinding signs. Likewise, is an ADA wall frame sign systems that are ideal for room numbering identification that is easy to change and update. Additionally, the options and combinations are limitless!
We also offer custom designed durable wayfinding signs and ADA wall frame sign systems. Ideal for room numbering identification. Additionally, they are easy to change and update.
Displaying your wayfinding signs is easy with our modular system!
Find your way, the easy way!
What ever your project entails we have a wayfinding sign type for every room and location in your building or office. The Modular System is easy to customize and incorporate into the design concept of your facility.
Schools can benefit from our system to guide students, staff and visitors thru the building to the correct room and destination.
Our Modular Wayfinding Sign System offers and effective and aesthetically pleasing solution. With the easy change out inserts graphics can be designed using branding colors and logos. We offer complete sign systems with graphics, or just the signs.
Please see our PDF catalog of our standard available signage configurations. Custom combinations are also available and one of our wayfinding sign experts can help you put together a design package suited for your needs.

Industries that use our Modular Wayfinding Sign System
- Aviation and Airports.
- Automotive and Car Dealerships.
- Cities, Town’s, also Governments.
- Civic and Institutions.
- Colleges, Universities and Schools.
- Churches, Private Schools, and Venues.
- Health Care and Hospitals.
- Entertainment, Arenas, and Music Venues.
- Museums and Zoo’s.
- Parks and Recreation Facilities.
- Sports Arenas, Stadiums, and Ice Rinks.
- Retail and Corporate.
- Office Buildings and Apartments.
- Hotels, Motels, and Resorts.
- Restaurants and Grocery Stores.
- Finally, Shopping Centers and Malls.